I Tried Flatwound Guitar Strings
After many years of playing roundwound strings exclusively, I finally took the plunge and tried flatwound strings. I admittedly went into it with some skepticism, but I was surprised at what I found. In this post I’ll discuss why I decided to finally try flat wound, and why I think you’ll want to want to slap a set on your guitar.
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Dunlop Jazz III Picks
If you’re picky about your guitar picks, you undoubtedly know about Dunlop’s Jazz III pick. The Jazz III—sometimes called “Jazz 3″—is one of the most well known and widely used guitar picks.

Why play different Guitar Necks?
Have you heard someone say “I can’t play that guitar, the neck is too big.” Or too small… In today’s post I’m going discuss the advantage of playing different guitar necks shapes and sizes.

PRS SE A50E Review
The SE A50E is part of PRS’ Angelus series, known for high-end quality at reasonable prices. Although PRS is famous for their electric guitars, it’s clear that they put a lot of thought into the A50E. Read on for our full review.